Team Raffles Cross Country

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Post Season Outing to Sentosa

The cross team went to Sentosa for a day of Fun and Games! On Friday the 18th of July. It was a well deserved break for the runners who had worked so friggin hard for Nationals.

Originally supposed to meet at 2.30pm at Harbourfront, only Benjamin, Nathaniel and PaoJung made it on time! The others such as the group led by team captain Yong Shi Kai and Vice Captain Mchia arrived fashionably late, while Seow made a grand entrance at the last moment, receiving a round of applause and a VIP welcome to HarbourFront interchange.

The team took the Monorail to Sentosa, which was a new experience for many of us, including me. Ticket cost 3 bucks.

Arrivnig at Sentosa FINALLY, the team arrived at a problem, whether to walk to Tanjong beach or take a tram there. In the end, neither sides won, as we took the bus (lolz damn lame).

Arriving at the beach, most of us immediately stripped off our tops, while those who refused had to be *ahem* persuaded to do so. One such person came in the form of Wizard Wong, who strangely refused to take off his shirt. Alas, even his magic and spells could not stop the spirit of Raffles Cross Country, as the whole team went to take his shirt off. A sight to behold.

The team played soccer after that, where playmaker Varun was super imbah and scored many goals single leggedly. But alas, neither team prevailed, with the final score being x to x. Let x = number of goals scored, because I dunno.

Eventually we decided to go and swim to the island at the other side. And started to scream Wizardry stuff at Wizardboy on the other side, which was quite funny.

In the end we played some stupid relay thing where we were suppose to pair up and swim and run. Quite lame, for some strange reason I got injured. ZzZ. Forgot who won.

Oh yea Sam Soh came, and of course we started talking about Track dinner where Sam Soh dissapeared with girls and Seow zao home with girl. Captain Yong was giving advice on what kind of girls to court, and of course through much reasoning he declared that only rich girls can be courted.

Enough about girls. We bathed and Kok Peng arrived just in time to see us bathing. But he came and that's what matters.

Went to Vivo at Carl's Junior to eat. It was quite nice, with the free flow of soft drinks. I remember last year we were trying to prank call Mchia at Carl's Jr as well. It was damn fun.

This year though, after dinner (Where Sam Soh needed to go home and Seow had to go home and study), we went upstairs to the damn romantic place (I dunno what issit called), and started to play the game we playeed at Clementi woods.

The super scandalous one.


Of course, I bet alot of people lie, but those who die never lie, and I never lie also. Ben asked a question "I never lust for anyone before", I bet Ben is lying. He watched Coach Carter until damn horny.

After all the scandals, we had to do forfeits! So we played the Penis Game. Damn fun. You have to scream penis in public.

And we ended the day on a high note. =)


Ngee Ann Poly Run on Friday.

After checking the lists of Schools, it is essential that RI must own the field.

So please do at least a run on yourself so that your fitness don't drop so much.


Sine Finibus.


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